Tuesday, January 26, 2010

LET’S GIVE MORNINGS WHAT THEY DESERVE Research has proven that 70% of people are grumpy for the first two hours after they wake. What am I saying? T


Research has proven that 70% of people are grumpy for the first two hours after they wake.

What am I saying?
The worst thing anyone wants is a lecture or gossip in the morning….we want to work create and achieve, our minds are on a roll

Take this for example; you wake up in the morning and the first thing you have to encounter is a partners’ lecture or gossip about the secretary last night or the neighbors fight !!argh!!

In this sample, I am trying to drive at radio in the morning.

I bet we all want to wake up to some nice music to get us jumping out of bed and dancing in the shower keep us wake as we decide on what to adorn. We want vibe that will tickle us as we make breakfast; we want jokes and stories that will calm our impatient selves in traffic, stories that will intrigue our reasoning, information that will increase our wit…

Gossip on cheating spouses, tragic relationships, sex is juicy vibe but not for the morning it sets a bad energy for the day. Politics at this hour just makes us bump into the car ahead of us gets us in an agitated mood throughout the day at the though of a corrupt leader, taxation at its highest and global warming that the leaders are not working against..

Radio vibe in morning and theis is before eleven o’clock should just be serene and simple. Top of the mix being good music and lots of it, information that gets you thinking and tickled all day…radio in the morning should be your daily shot of inspiration and kick start…

I hope that this piece not only entertains or expresses my emotion but the emotions of many who feel like I do….well if there are any... more so I hope you as the radio producer, presenter or mogul reading this, will work towards improving radio

Let’s leave gossip for lunchtime and a lousy midday….. And for jobless, idle and focus less people who have nothing to look forward to ,thus gossip in the morning gives theme vibe for the day ‘pardon my rudeness’

Could we consider the crowds that listen to radio in the morning it’s embarrassing to seat next to a very young pupil on the way to school and listening to topics about sex and cheating spouses? We raise children that are sexually reckless and relationship insensitive. It breaks my heart more to hear a 10 year old tell me they don’t want to get married because they do not want to be cheated on!!! What happened to the happily ever after thoughts!!!! Just saying…

Have great radio mornings y’all

Kindly leave a comment/suggestion to this piece


  1. hear hear, I dont do mornings one would think am the grumpiest person alive but that changes after nine, all I say is goodmorning n if I cud avoid even that bit, would be bliss. Doesnt help living with people who are sunshiny as soon as they get up

  2. I totally Agree.. Mornings are really sensitive and they determine how the day will go. Music matters a lot, jumpy music kick starts your day in a very amazing way.
    An observation I made is that the colors I choose to wear show the kind of mood I am in. Dull colors shout keep off, bad morning..bright ones are welcoming (ok, I'll never wear yellow :)
    Awesome post, I'll remember it every morning..

  3. Mornings should be made fun by only two things;great music and great conversation. I have even started to think that on radio when they do paper reviews, they should just give us the juice and leave the crap (read politics) out of it all.

  4. Hoping that am not in the category listed above, who will always ask when another morning will come so they catch up with the latest gossip, I will rework to wisely motivate my mornings. Global warming, corruption and other issues facings us in this 21st Century should be what we all focus to combat.

  5. Amen to this!

    I love the post.
