If I was to give the equation that makes me or formula that adds up to me
What would it be?
(My opinion+ my decision + other peoples?)
If I was to chemically give the raw materials that ad up tome
What would it be?
If I was to biologically and atomically describe me
What would it be?
If I was to life geographically describe me
Where would I be?
Do we find ourselves caught up defining as ourselves as per peoples opinions, directives and suggestions.
By people I mean just any person with a mouth and can speak
One lesson I remember being taught by my dad is that not all my uncles, aunts, friends’ opinion matter.
Fine, am younger than you, I earn more than you, you are jobless and uneducated and hopeless
Does your opinion matter?
We work in two different fields you can’t even do what I do even in your next life
Does your opinion matter?
So what if you are older
So what if others respect your opinion
So what if you are adore by many a.k.a popular
If you feature nowhere in my past raw materials that make me up
If you feature nowhere in the present materials that make me up
If you really do not seem to feature any where in my future raw materials that make me up just shut up!
I am at a point of continually telling people around me
That not everyone’s opinion matters
You might be the pastor but you have never seen my shoes*, never walked in them know nothing about them then you opinion doesn’t matter
You might be older than me if you have never tried my shoes* then your opinion doesn’t matter
If the most our friends have ever done is get a partner, if they don’t look like they are any closer to a greater achievement then they got no opinion on us
Until we get to a point of knowing who has a say and who doesn’t then we remain
Oppressed and stressed by peoples opinions
We remain driven by people’s suggestions
We are kept moving by people’s ideas
Your life’s movie is best with God as the director, you as the main actor and the rest supporting cast….you select a few main actors…..
If you can’t tell it to my face why should I give you ear and brain space?
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