Monday, January 11, 2010


Its dark, its quiet, ts lonely
Its raining ,Its cold ,freezy
Am alone because I feel unacceptable
Lights out ,but,*imagine me*

I lay my head on your unseen but felt shoulders
I dream of your unknown figure but distinguished features
I smile at your unseen face and your unheard joke but your felt tickle

You are my perfection
Though you exist in my imperfect thoughts
I know you are there waiting for me
And am drawing to you
A day at a time, we shall be together in due time

I rise to your unseen lips but felt kiss
I dress and smile cse I see and believe you are impressed
I know by how it is pressed
I believe I am fine though I didn’t hear you say
I felt the swish of our nod

You are my perfection
Though you exist in my imperfect thoughts
I know you are there waiting for me
Am drawing to you
A day at a time, we shall be together in due time.

Even as they stare at me like an alien
Laugh at me like a clown
Do I really care?
Because I know I glare

No one flatters me but I blush at your unheard words
But your whispered flatter ringing in my oblongata
I used to care if anyone saw me, noticed me or winked at me
Cared if anyone would like me
Cared if anyone wanted me
But it’s all I cared before I met you

My happiness, my destiny
You are my prince.
If I please you happiness am happy
If I reach to you destiny I am complete.

Because you are my perfection
In my imperfect thoughts

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