If you want to know how much of a looser someone is look at how much truth and rational they expel or shy away from. There we go again hating the truth and adoring crapiola,adoring the very things that put no food, buy no clothes or pay rent. We are a feel good people .. truth is ,actually fact is WE HATE THE TRUTH.
I said this first and most in my social networks almost came for my blond head. Am alive you kow, and I will push on saying we are abit too focus less , cheated and definitely a society in denial of truth.
So am walking home last night and I get a call from a pal who is in the media asking me how and why I havent called to react to the new ban. And being the anti news I am I dint know what she was saying until I got home and watched the news only to hear that radio Africa, kiss 100 f.m to be precise had been banned from covering parliament. I let out the biggest ‘you are bustards’ laughter. The kind you burst out on an idiots face.
I was even embarrassed to hear or accept the thoughts. For real? House speaker for real?
Caroline mutoko;
1. Is a trend setter
2. Is a patriot
3. Is an opinion leader and harsh critic
4. Is sane and well educated
5. Besides knowledgeable she is wise
6. Is real
7. Is biased (yes she hold onto her opinion irrespective of the world)
8. She is a real woman, a warrior in making
9. She is focused
10. She has a vision for herself and the world she lives in
11. She dreams of the future and tries to move towards it
12. She is egocentric and egoistic but utado?
The list is endless, these are facts debate all you want but the truth is they are facts. This is a person who has chosen to try shape the generation for future leadership. She has chosen to work towards the future she dreams off. She has chosen not to lie ,to use and feed us with rubbish. Rubbish we can learn form the net, tutors and the world. She has left the bedroom to the bedroom realizing that we are not going to eat our marriages, pay rent with good and constant sex, we are not going to pay fees from bursting our cheating spouses and our country will not be run by perfect marriages and good sex.
I am not her biggest fan ,infact I only listen to her when she is talking politics she makes it juicy, real and rational, the rest of the times she talks to much for a person who is not very talk friendly in the morning but I am definitely a believer in her drive to live the dream. I said in fact number 7 she is biased, I meant it she is. It is maybe her biggest flaw, she does not take opinions from others thus may come across as egocentric and egoistic .she might be wrong at times, she is human dah!. But most times she makes a lot of sense. She is a catalyst to a change process , a catalyst to sane an proper decision making.
She will embarrass you if you have Gucci suit and torn stocking she will yell if you have a torn undy when you are in a prada suit. She will pick you out queuing for relief food when you are a minister earning heavy bucks. Hate or love her she TRIES to maintain integrity, ethics, sanity and humanity in our society more so our leadership.
Am sure the very cowardice and some insane,greedy ,senseless and inhuman member(s) of parliament knows she will burst all your campaign bubbles full of lies, she will not watch you use your power to mislead or garner more power.she will look out for her listeners,maybe not all but most. She will preach all the truth she knows. She goes over board I agree but face it she is most time than not very honest. I watched as twitter and facebook critics supported the ban and went on to beseech her and compare her to other radio presenters who feed us with rubbish and I was like, ok.....i see where we are heaeded ... you know where? TO THE DOGS.
If only we would not see the thorn in the roses and see the roses among the thorns. I would have heard a party today, maybe missed coming to work in celebration had I heard sex, marriages and bedroom vyb were no longer to be broadcasted Now you know why I have earphones on in a boom twaff matatu in the morning Am not a show off, am not damn I just cant stand peoples issues I have my own and no solution Is given really just comparing how many more people have the same issues. I stick to radios that feed me with LOTS AND LOTS of good music and sane vyb or better yet my weird playlist serves me right, truth is people from mahinani listen to her a lot and if we are going to ban her then we are supporting the mashinani people to be misled by the *&^% mps especially now during referendum.
It’s sad that we are even having visions and dreams for our country, leadership and livelihood if we are against change catalysts and truth.
Wait, or is it sabotage from you know who, newly appointed mh.mh.mh, former colleague and now competitor. Working for countrywide radio..ha ha ,forget this me and gossip don’t do so well...
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