Over the last few weeks I have realized the narrow side of the like me species in my country.
I saw the shallow side of our decision making process and reaction protocol.
I realized that we are too impatient to wait to the end
We react at the beginning bringing the show to a halt before it even advances it story line.
I am now losing my trust in the me species to make decisions.
We only see one word out of a 2000 words article and there we are overworking our reaction process and ready to cause terror.
We are deceived by a crack in a building that makes us call the undertaker to unearth people already dead in our minds and ‘prophetic missions’. I mean a certain artist was in critical unresponsive condition in ICU, but a group of people was busy sending r.i.p messages all over. It took the interception of another artist to stop the r.i.ps’ but then again they still held their doubt of his survival.
The worst way to start a story to a Kenyan me like species is, the dress looks funny but you still look hot.” Advice start with the hot then funny otherwise you will have a rehearsed script of anger showering on you. I tried to critic via this channel and boy or boyola have I received my share of words or what. How else are rumors started anyway? Someone overhears or generally misinterprets an incomplete statement and passes it on to the world and being educated species we tend to spruce up vyb. I have been a victim of misinterpretation and ignorant reaction and my oh my…it sucks!
I am just thinking of the katiba that is going on currently and listening to some group of politicians and activists on the campaign trail and this is definitely the chain reaction that is going on. Before I read the constitution I was again a sheep being lead by a psychopath who had wrongly read the draft or reacted at the sight of one word. We saw the word abortion and without reading further or former we are all over like a kid who just learned a new word. I was so embarrassed after reading the draft and realizing how blind and ignorant I have been. Just when the discussions on the draft began as soon as I heard abortion and kadhis court was inputed I was already yelling no way! Trust me I now sound so silly but then damn.i was so bright.and that is the psychology some politicians know kenyans have and are using it to woo them into their camps.. over use one word and people follow you blindly.. People need to listen to the speeches to finality and read the constitution to finality then react
I know maybe know why I failed some exams. I still have my insha and composition books and I look back at them and realized how I gave the teacher 5 pages of figures of speech explaining what he asked not. I had been thoroughly infected by the react quick infection and as I look back now I realize the adverse effects of my ‘lifestyle’.
I have thus taken it upon myself to ‘preach’ or should I say abeg oh my people! We have to start the culture of reacting at finality. We need to severely make it part of our responsibility to transmit rightful and well thought information,it is our human and maybe life forensic duties to watch over our brother in all ways and this includes how we react and act. We need to learn how to read /scheme to finality before we react and act. We need to listen fully to our phone conversations or even music before we go on reacting, acting and even judging.
If a parent is reading this I hope you are having the oh oh moment of realizing where your kids rebellion starts form .maybe you have had them say they feel misunderstood and you are now sure they say so. We see them in a single piercing but go on beseeching without proper communication.i believe strongly that there is a reason for everything ,it maybe is not African but definitely we need to open up our communication channels in our homes,workplaces and even social life. Hearing people out is definitely a huge peace bringing mission as well as a unity stronghold.
Sanity has to be restored .it is better to look like a fool because you are quiet than open your mouth and confirm it.
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