poetry events are continually growing in kenya
every other day a new one is being born
every other day a poet is talking about a performance they are having
and poetry lovers continue to throng the events.
but something is wrong
something is terrible wrong
if you leave the event and ask what any one of them gathered you shall be met with stares and 'i cant remember what the name was but the lady in red really jazzed me' ask what was she talking about and you shall be met by 'i cant remember exactly but it had something to do with her heart ...it was deep' this is what you are likely to hear even when the poem was about flowers.
poetry events are now getting crowded not only by poets and poetry lovers but hang out ,chill out kind of people. these are the kind of people who want to wait for traffic to end in style or who want prices to come down with reduction of human traffic . these are people who want to do meet ups with all their facebook and twitter pals one each day. a.k.a pass time in a not am passing time kind of way.don't get me twisted i have nothing against meet ups ,i think its a cool way of putting a head to the thoughts you are exposed to on social networks.
these people will attend any low cost or free event even when they know not what its about or what it encompasses all together.these are the people you will find in a rugby match but have no idea when or what a try has been made,people you find in a poetry event asking the d.j to play a request catching up with their buddy's at their loudest voices,clapping at the sound of any intimate word even when the poem is about rape they cheer at the hear of the word sex.
they are the people i wish i would freeze at the entrance of poetry events,books launches or a listening party. they make me so frustrated both as a perfomer and lover of reading and listening to poetry..it beats me why a normal human being would come to a poetry event and talk all through,burst out loud with shouts at the waiter and making unnecessary ohs and has as he listens to his pals stories...come on don't be an idiot..there are hundreds of clubs you can go to you do not have to come to a poetry event to crowd and distract listeners and perfomers
yesterday i was at wamathai spoken word. it was well attended and during assessment am sure they will record maximum profits however in terms of impact i declare it total FAIL. call me hater but i know you know what i mean. there were to many bloggers who had more or less had found a place to have a meet and greet i mean from the facebook and twitter updates i saw no comment on any performance it was all about,so and so looks abc and so and so has said or done abc....GOSH.FOCUS guys focus...i felt crowded by idlers and unfocused guys i mean there are 4 other clubs around loita street they could go and do their agenda..i hated when they collectively burst out laughing when a perfomer was on stage and when we the listeners would turn to them the least they would do was a peace sign...get a life grown up idiots!
i got more mad when njeri wangari a veteran and one of the greatest poets took the stage and we couldn't hear a word she was saying because dimwitts were so loud in some heated argument..she had to not once,not twice and not thrice tell them to keep their tones down..at least she had enough authority and we got to hear one of her great pieces as the other one was drowned by people voices..i am not saying we don't talk i am saying keep the bloody tones down.. when jemedari a well known poet took to the stage i heard not even a single word he said in as much as i was at the front most adn considering how good he is...the first few poets were heard because i bet people hadn't warmed up but the rest were heard zero...when the very good looking ladies took to the stage we cheered them because they looked pleasing to the eye...GET A LIFE POETRY EVENT GOERS...
i am so disapointed and will continually be as long as poetry event continue being meet up joints and chill out zones...lets give what poetry events are due...watch def jam poetry events on you tube i mean even eye contacts would be heard if they dropped.
i say this with all the love i have for poetry ...you look foolish and idle when you attend a poetry event and hear nothing..
pass this to as many people as you can as we prepare to attend kwani open mic and the next wamathai,adel open mic...
choozih the perfomer and warioH the poetry lover.....
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
poetry lovers event
a poetry event is here ..
Today Wednesday 30th of July 2010
secrets lounge on loita street from 7pm
dubbed wamathai open mic!
come interact with poets,bloggers and poetry lovers
experience a night of poetry and spoken word in the city
it end month so no excuse ,a hundred bob is all you need for this great experience.
see you there poets and poetry lovers
Today Wednesday 30th of July 2010
secrets lounge on loita street from 7pm
dubbed wamathai open mic!
come interact with poets,bloggers and poetry lovers
experience a night of poetry and spoken word in the city
it end month so no excuse ,a hundred bob is all you need for this great experience.
see you there poets and poetry lovers
Monday, June 28, 2010
yesterday i got a chance to go and experiencing the viewing of dawa the film directed by mark kaigwa at goethe institute.

i got there a few minutes late and the screening had already began,i was greeted by the ever smiling and sweet @antoneousoul

you remember him from siri and sugar the t.v we exchange niceties and i head on to watch the film. i am later joined by a crowd of twitter family and bloggers and that definitely means alot of critic happens and mind gobbling debates. in one word AWESOME.
it is a great script directed by a very creative mind and produced by witty people. you might get a bit bored if your mind is not witty and you dot have a good taste for humor. that said you understand it is quite a hilarious production. i love the ugandan accent and the use of ugandan cast makes it all so funnier. the diversion from the norm reactions makes it very interesting. i mean,if you meet a cop the first thing you expect , you are on the wrong you do not expect to have him steal or con you or better yet introduce you to a witch doctor. the cultural yet contemporary relation of our day in day out lives makes it a good production to watch.
i recommend we follow him on twitter @mkaigwa and @dawathefilm for further updates on the same. you could also google dawa the film to get captions of the production.
i must mention the great support the film got from the directors mother, mrs.kaigwa. it meant so much to see her there and it definitely was a challenge to other parents ,kids however grown need you all the way.
the support from the twitter family as well as bloggers was sure a good sign and added so much depth and weight to the event.
i am a supporter of local productions but still the biggest critic of the same. kudos mark.
please pardon my lack of detailed critic i still have to watch the whole film to comment further .:) WATCH THIS SPACE
i got there a few minutes late and the screening had already began,i was greeted by the ever smiling and sweet @antoneousoul
you remember him from siri and sugar the t.v we exchange niceties and i head on to watch the film. i am later joined by a crowd of twitter family and bloggers and that definitely means alot of critic happens and mind gobbling debates. in one word AWESOME.
it is a great script directed by a very creative mind and produced by witty people. you might get a bit bored if your mind is not witty and you dot have a good taste for humor. that said you understand it is quite a hilarious production. i love the ugandan accent and the use of ugandan cast makes it all so funnier. the diversion from the norm reactions makes it very interesting. i mean,if you meet a cop the first thing you expect , you are on the wrong you do not expect to have him steal or con you or better yet introduce you to a witch doctor. the cultural yet contemporary relation of our day in day out lives makes it a good production to watch.
i recommend we follow him on twitter @mkaigwa and @dawathefilm for further updates on the same. you could also google dawa the film to get captions of the production.
i must mention the great support the film got from the directors mother, mrs.kaigwa. it meant so much to see her there and it definitely was a challenge to other parents ,kids however grown need you all the way.
the support from the twitter family as well as bloggers was sure a good sign and added so much depth and weight to the event.
i am a supporter of local productions but still the biggest critic of the same. kudos mark.
please pardon my lack of detailed critic i still have to watch the whole film to comment further .:) WATCH THIS SPACE
people ,their Definitions and self belief when it come to self amazes me
people ,their definitions and self belief when it come to self amazes me.
maybe i should start with a disclaimer,according to my faith and upbringing we are all beautiful and no one should state otherwise. thus the views expressed in this article do not reflect the views of my faith or upbringing a.k.a values
so yesterday am seated at home watching the very juicy match between England and germany which had totally taken me on a high,story for another piece. it was an emotional roller coaster and so during half-time there is no way i was going to have myself listening to the commentators who i have a million issues with the people who hired them ,truth be told they are rubbish,another story for another piece. there i was looking for distraction b4 the match resumed and viola something had caught my eyes.
i call it something because i couldn't as well make out what it really was. it was something long or should i say tall,swerving on a straight line and it was colorful. period! looking at the footer of the screen and i saw,"miss world contest........" wow,it was a modeling contest actually it was the miss world participant contest and so i now knew what the thing was,a model.
she seriously looked troubled by the clothes she was in which i heard her say were her own designs,they looked like she had met a cat and the hug didn't go so well. there were too many shreds . her makeup was what i call mosaic and collage on human skin.period .she was showing too much skin which is the only reason i think people were screaming at her.or they were extremely shocked at the sight of a walking scarecrow.
i think the judges were teasing her,why else would they continue asking her questions like,what would you do if you won?tell us about your designs,we have never seen them elsewhere?....the young lady then all smiles answered the questions with all conviction she had wowed them.
i watched a couple of other ladies walk or crawl through the runway and boy,i dont envy the judges.
what was even more interesting was the interview behind the scenes. the lady i described at first asked if she thinks she had proceeded to the next round she rolled her eyes and said"that is not a question baby.i won before my second step,i could tell" the well known fashionable host seemed as though her body was slowly tilting to collapse dead flat on the ground. i was in SHOCK.even my aging grandma would have had a good laugh with that one.
the only thing in my head at this point was,dont you get it? they are having comedy out of every word and thought from your brain?i seriously was dying to find out their definition of miss world contest because to me it seemed as though these girls were participating for the fact that they had extra high self esteem as well as having been told once by a person who maybe only wanted to take them to bed ,they are pretty gave them all the green lights to participate.
there was everything wrong with the ladies..the runway walk,shoes,hair,bags,clothes in that order were a disaster..i threw a shoe at a man who said his girlfriend who had a maroon rag on her head was the hottest..JESUS....men are liars! she looked as though she had her head stuck in a packet of flour.. i loved the expressions on the celeb status hosts who couldn't hide her burst out moments and shock here and there.
all i am saying,ladies we need to get a life sometimes..we believe in ourselves too much that we end up being so badly being hurt and feeling rejected when people are honest with us.
i am now going on a mission to trash any self confident look.its becoming too much
maybe i should start with a disclaimer,according to my faith and upbringing we are all beautiful and no one should state otherwise. thus the views expressed in this article do not reflect the views of my faith or upbringing a.k.a values
so yesterday am seated at home watching the very juicy match between England and germany which had totally taken me on a high,story for another piece. it was an emotional roller coaster and so during half-time there is no way i was going to have myself listening to the commentators who i have a million issues with the people who hired them ,truth be told they are rubbish,another story for another piece. there i was looking for distraction b4 the match resumed and viola something had caught my eyes.
i call it something because i couldn't as well make out what it really was. it was something long or should i say tall,swerving on a straight line and it was colorful. period! looking at the footer of the screen and i saw,"miss world contest........" wow,it was a modeling contest actually it was the miss world participant contest and so i now knew what the thing was,a model.
she seriously looked troubled by the clothes she was in which i heard her say were her own designs,they looked like she had met a cat and the hug didn't go so well. there were too many shreds . her makeup was what i call mosaic and collage on human skin.period .she was showing too much skin which is the only reason i think people were screaming at her.or they were extremely shocked at the sight of a walking scarecrow.
i think the judges were teasing her,why else would they continue asking her questions like,what would you do if you won?tell us about your designs,we have never seen them elsewhere?....the young lady then all smiles answered the questions with all conviction she had wowed them.
i watched a couple of other ladies walk or crawl through the runway and boy,i dont envy the judges.
what was even more interesting was the interview behind the scenes. the lady i described at first asked if she thinks she had proceeded to the next round she rolled her eyes and said"that is not a question baby.i won before my second step,i could tell" the well known fashionable host seemed as though her body was slowly tilting to collapse dead flat on the ground. i was in SHOCK.even my aging grandma would have had a good laugh with that one.
the only thing in my head at this point was,dont you get it? they are having comedy out of every word and thought from your brain?i seriously was dying to find out their definition of miss world contest because to me it seemed as though these girls were participating for the fact that they had extra high self esteem as well as having been told once by a person who maybe only wanted to take them to bed ,they are pretty gave them all the green lights to participate.
there was everything wrong with the ladies..the runway walk,shoes,hair,bags,clothes in that order were a disaster..i threw a shoe at a man who said his girlfriend who had a maroon rag on her head was the hottest..JESUS....men are liars! she looked as though she had her head stuck in a packet of flour.. i loved the expressions on the celeb status hosts who couldn't hide her burst out moments and shock here and there.
all i am saying,ladies we need to get a life sometimes..we believe in ourselves too much that we end up being so badly being hurt and feeling rejected when people are honest with us.
i am now going on a mission to trash any self confident look.its becoming too much
premier of the movie...today
Today is monday 28th of june 2010.
maybe you are counting down hours to five ,hoping the day would end like now.or if you are like me ,monday is your favorite day of the week then you are looking for a plot for the day.
here i present to you, today at 6.30 p.m at goethe institute on loita street .find me there looking glamorous as ever and meet lotsa other great people,the cast adn crew of dawa the film.
be my date make a point of coming...i am still looking for a date though.....see you all there....xoxoxoxo reader
maybe you are counting down hours to five ,hoping the day would end like now.or if you are like me ,monday is your favorite day of the week then you are looking for a plot for the day.
here i present to you, today at 6.30 p.m at goethe institute on loita street .find me there looking glamorous as ever and meet lotsa other great people,the cast adn crew of dawa the film.
be my date make a point of coming...i am still looking for a date though.....see you all there....xoxoxoxo reader
Sunday, June 27, 2010
make over update 2
hallo good folks,
i am writing this as i am suffering from severe bubbliness. God has a way of making the sun shine so bright when you are in a dark forest..say amen..
the makeover update is just awesome today. today i am feeling better than Naomi Campbell in a bikini,better than David Beckham in briefs .i feel awesome.i am in the royal color purple and for some reason it brings back the sexy back and gives me a thorough face lift or should i say body lift.
i took up advice and wore the thick waist line pants.and trust me the tummy is trim .i have tried the whole high pants,short tops and my figure is quite trimmed and lady like too.
i threw in the big earings ,chunky bracelets and rings and woohoo i feel awesome .
atleast for today i can report a positive feedback from the make over.
yours happily made over,chozih.xoxp
i am writing this as i am suffering from severe bubbliness. God has a way of making the sun shine so bright when you are in a dark forest..say amen..
the makeover update is just awesome today. today i am feeling better than Naomi Campbell in a bikini,better than David Beckham in briefs .i feel awesome.i am in the royal color purple and for some reason it brings back the sexy back and gives me a thorough face lift or should i say body lift.
i took up advice and wore the thick waist line pants.and trust me the tummy is trim .i have tried the whole high pants,short tops and my figure is quite trimmed and lady like too.
i threw in the big earings ,chunky bracelets and rings and woohoo i feel awesome .
atleast for today i can report a positive feedback from the make over.
yours happily made over,chozih.xoxp
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
post make over crisis
so a couple of people have been at my neck complaining that i look ten years older.
not such a good feeling but yet again quite a good one to know that people take me as an adult being the kid i am.
i am however still struggling to comprehend what being too sophisticated and complicated means.
another beng!
i resorted to finding solutions to my now 'problem'
guaranteed there are things that would definitely be issues , dressing,hair,makeup and even posture.
just last evening i got what how i met your mother cast would call a convention from different parties though.there was even a buddy who mentioned innerwear ,i have no clue how he came to this
so today has been my premier of the make up and suprise
i had to wear a sweater in place of a jacket
i have to survive without socks
and my showls /scarfs or blankets as they are being dissed are no where in existence
in short i am cold and feeling naked especially my feet which have been enjoying the luxury of my dads or brothers socks
my trench coat and showl are now unemployed thanx to this make over...not funny at all
i wore make up ,i look and feel like a doll
then i have to keep reminding myself not to rub my eyes at every instance when i am stressed or want to think harder
....still loading ..
i know i have a third complaint i cant put my hand on passee..
lets see if my 'date' will notice this make over
but i must mention i WANT man who takes and loves me in my socks ,grandmother jackets,boxers,makeupless face as long as am clean and i smell good.yap,I am a sucker for scents.
yours painfully
made over chozih. ting!
not such a good feeling but yet again quite a good one to know that people take me as an adult being the kid i am.
i am however still struggling to comprehend what being too sophisticated and complicated means.
another beng!
i resorted to finding solutions to my now 'problem'
guaranteed there are things that would definitely be issues , dressing,hair,makeup and even posture.
just last evening i got what how i met your mother cast would call a convention from different parties though.there was even a buddy who mentioned innerwear ,i have no clue how he came to this
so today has been my premier of the make up and suprise
i had to wear a sweater in place of a jacket
i have to survive without socks
and my showls /scarfs or blankets as they are being dissed are no where in existence
in short i am cold and feeling naked especially my feet which have been enjoying the luxury of my dads or brothers socks
my trench coat and showl are now unemployed thanx to this make over...not funny at all
i wore make up ,i look and feel like a doll
then i have to keep reminding myself not to rub my eyes at every instance when i am stressed or want to think harder
....still loading ..
i know i have a third complaint i cant put my hand on passee..
lets see if my 'date' will notice this make over
but i must mention i WANT man who takes and loves me in my socks ,grandmother jackets,boxers,makeupless face as long as am clean and i smell good.yap,I am a sucker for scents.
yours painfully
made over chozih. ting!
Monday, June 21, 2010
torn between believing in myself,pleasing the world and failing.
torn between right decisions,sane decisions and humane decisions.
such is the state the young patriotic person in me is facing.
there has been so much hulabaloo about the political realm in Kenya
i have eschewed any form of engagement leaving it to my old folks
and maybe interested elder siblings.
the media has been largely involved and in as much as it is one of my influences i seemed less bothered to involve in any for political vyb. but something has changed.
a few months back when the constitution /referendum began its process i was bored and annoyed at the state of its taking over the media. i thought oh well,they make the rules,we follow ,we break them,get punished and life moves on .
until i realized what you don't know or identify with will harm you as much as it won hurt you.i realized its not about the present its about the future.its about waking up tomorrow and cursing the angels for waking me up.
its not about the party now its about the boring lonely nights tomorrow the ugly streets,injustices,inequality..its about a hurtful tommorrow living like animals ,filth and sadness.
i realized i hold the key to my tomorrow.how i live and love tomorrow is in my hands,head and heart.i then grabbed me a FREE copy of the draft constitution and believe me or not read it like a novel. i remember it was lying on a desk at the office but i felt drawn to it,i couldn't wait for some free time to catch up on my constitution read. so i was in traffic next thing and i proudly and passionately pulled out my copy of the constitution..its ok by now to be doubting my sanity this part..
i started reading the first few words and i couldnt help but pull out my pink highlighter pen. i started underlining word per word in hip hop terms i started lighting up punchline after another.
i would really like to know what the aged man seated next to me was thinking he seemed blowdried by me ..when it was time to pay i had to be tapped severally to get the hint.and the payman was also mortified by the sight. all i know i cared less then for all i knew i was reading the key to not using the PSV again.
as i read through i had many oh oh moments but i also had moments where i thought some people had lied to me i mean the way i knew some bits and clauses was actually not the way they put.i felt some bits were exaggerated and some others under rated.
all in all i feel now i am better placed to be make a decision.i am better placed at engaging in debates.i am better placed to clap or boo when my leader misinterprets or interprets a clause or portion of the draft.
my word to you reader,grab a FREE draft constitution take time read,interpret and be better placed to make a decision. jisomee jitambuie jiamulie now makes alot of sense
torn between right decisions,sane decisions and humane decisions.
such is the state the young patriotic person in me is facing.
there has been so much hulabaloo about the political realm in Kenya
i have eschewed any form of engagement leaving it to my old folks
and maybe interested elder siblings.
the media has been largely involved and in as much as it is one of my influences i seemed less bothered to involve in any for political vyb. but something has changed.
a few months back when the constitution /referendum began its process i was bored and annoyed at the state of its taking over the media. i thought oh well,they make the rules,we follow ,we break them,get punished and life moves on .
until i realized what you don't know or identify with will harm you as much as it won hurt you.i realized its not about the present its about the future.its about waking up tomorrow and cursing the angels for waking me up.
its not about the party now its about the boring lonely nights tomorrow the ugly streets,injustices,inequality..its about a hurtful tommorrow living like animals ,filth and sadness.
i realized i hold the key to my tomorrow.how i live and love tomorrow is in my hands,head and heart.i then grabbed me a FREE copy of the draft constitution and believe me or not read it like a novel. i remember it was lying on a desk at the office but i felt drawn to it,i couldn't wait for some free time to catch up on my constitution read. so i was in traffic next thing and i proudly and passionately pulled out my copy of the constitution..its ok by now to be doubting my sanity this part..
i started reading the first few words and i couldnt help but pull out my pink highlighter pen. i started underlining word per word in hip hop terms i started lighting up punchline after another.
i would really like to know what the aged man seated next to me was thinking he seemed blowdried by me ..when it was time to pay i had to be tapped severally to get the hint.and the payman was also mortified by the sight. all i know i cared less then for all i knew i was reading the key to not using the PSV again.
as i read through i had many oh oh moments but i also had moments where i thought some people had lied to me i mean the way i knew some bits and clauses was actually not the way they put.i felt some bits were exaggerated and some others under rated.
all in all i feel now i am better placed to be make a decision.i am better placed at engaging in debates.i am better placed to clap or boo when my leader misinterprets or interprets a clause or portion of the draft.
my word to you reader,grab a FREE draft constitution take time read,interpret and be better placed to make a decision. jisomee jitambuie jiamulie now makes alot of sense
Saturday, June 19, 2010
if you havent gotten used to football vybe yet or havent been attacked by the worldcup fever well,bless your soul
no,really i mean it bless your soul
i watched the first game and i had no idea what to expect in the next
i watched the second and i must say i was really bored and yet again i did not know what to look forward to and so i kept going ,anticipating and hoping
the rest of the matches were hair rising,breath taking and even jaw dropping.
uruguay,north korea,argentina,mexico,slovenia,algeria have been my biggest impressors.though we all expected argentina to win.
this world cup is the tournament of the underdogs with a suprise in every match.i mean who saw brazil,germany,nigeria loosing..
for now maybe all i can say all things are possible ,really possible...and never have i seen the cliche.this is africa anything can happen so real and infact i never saw myself use it...but now i own it i insisit on using it..
so lets wait and see and for the ladies i am working on a plan to update you on every match atleast so you are in scope with the lady who has been distracting adn literally stealing your man away from you..
xoxo reader.
no,really i mean it bless your soul
i watched the first game and i had no idea what to expect in the next
i watched the second and i must say i was really bored and yet again i did not know what to look forward to and so i kept going ,anticipating and hoping
the rest of the matches were hair rising,breath taking and even jaw dropping.
uruguay,north korea,argentina,mexico,slovenia,algeria have been my biggest impressors.though we all expected argentina to win.
this world cup is the tournament of the underdogs with a suprise in every match.i mean who saw brazil,germany,nigeria loosing..
for now maybe all i can say all things are possible ,really possible...and never have i seen the cliche.this is africa anything can happen so real and infact i never saw myself use it...but now i own it i insisit on using it..
so lets wait and see and for the ladies i am working on a plan to update you on every match atleast so you are in scope with the lady who has been distracting adn literally stealing your man away from you..
xoxo reader.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
world cup is here...in my homeland....
i like change
i like transformation
maybe its why am so happy of late
today i feel like i won a million dollars literally..
maybe its all been catalysed by the world cup..
i sat in the t.v hall and watched the opening ceremony of the world cup 2010 in awe.
every move made my heart beat faster
my eyes were confused,
between shock,tears and gorging out.
it was too awesome
my mouth wanted to let out a huge scream ,
my mouths' hinges were broken down it just couldnt shut
the choreography!
the technology
the party !
all awesome
i watched the first match with even more excitement
and the first goal,mh the first goal,mh the first goal
felt awesome
i want to feel that way forever.
in Africa for the first time and the first one by an African
define awesomeness..
i wish all other teams luck
and dear readers i hope to share with you the awesomeness of the next 90 days.
forever waving the flag of world cup 201o in Africa..
proud to be african
i like transformation
maybe its why am so happy of late
today i feel like i won a million dollars literally..
maybe its all been catalysed by the world cup..
i sat in the t.v hall and watched the opening ceremony of the world cup 2010 in awe.
every move made my heart beat faster
my eyes were confused,
between shock,tears and gorging out.
it was too awesome
my mouth wanted to let out a huge scream ,
my mouths' hinges were broken down it just couldnt shut
the choreography!
the technology
the party !
all awesome
i watched the first match with even more excitement
and the first goal,mh the first goal,mh the first goal
felt awesome
i want to feel that way forever.
in Africa for the first time and the first one by an African
define awesomeness..
i wish all other teams luck
and dear readers i hope to share with you the awesomeness of the next 90 days.
forever waving the flag of world cup 201o in Africa..
proud to be african
Monday, June 7, 2010
fashion event
finally an event that brings together fasion and jewellery designers and fashion lovers.
an exhibition and yard sale you have anticipated for is finally here..
wait for it....right here..this month..
to register as a designer.
hit me up wario@sanabora.com
an exhibition and yard sale you have anticipated for is finally here..
wait for it....right here..this month..
to register as a designer.
hit me up wario@sanabora.com
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